Monday, September 01, 2008

Taste buds

Can't believe it's been ten months since I posted. I post in my head pretty often. Getting thoughts from my head out onto the computer is the sticking point. There's always too much to do, not enough time.

For awhile I was doing pretty good, eating mostly vegan food. Now, I'm eating more dairy (because I miss my cheese) and more meat. Betty just saw the TV commercial (Wendy's I think), where the guy tells the girl he's dating that he's a meatatarian, and she loved it! Agreed! Living with that makes it hard to be vegan.

Something I saw on CNN recently taught me that our taste buds change because of medication and age. Mom always told me my tastes would change as I got older-- in a positive way. She didn't tell me they'd continue to change and lose sensation. Apparently, having less of a sense of taste and/or smell can lead to overeating because a person is craving TASTE (which could be part of my problem, since I have a hard of hearing nose). But this is probably also part of the reason Betty wants more meat than ever before in her life. She used to be a chicken/turkey lover. Now, she still likes that, but wants her beef-- much more than she did we we first got together 21 years ago. And Betty thinks a lot of my vegetarian food is tasteless.

So, I've gotta see what I can do to ramp up the taste, without resorting to hot spices that cause gastric distress.