Sunday, November 25, 2007

Electric knife didn't do it's job

Well, I made the Maple Orzo Squash, and it was great. But the electric knife didn't have the power to cut the butternut squash easily. I finally microwaved it for four minutes and it softened enough to cut. It was cool enough to de-seed easily and finish cooking in the oven.

A couple of days ago, I made Harvest Pot Pie,, and cubed the squash first. I pre-cooked it for four minutes, again, but still the knife had trouble, and the blades even slipped out. Oh well.

The one I want, that will probably work, is sonic, using sound waves to cut. But it's about $100 and I can't afford that just now. Looks great, though: -- impressive, huh?

Monday, November 12, 2007

Electric knife arrived

It's been on backorder for a couple of months, but my electric knife arrived today. Feels weird, since I'm eating less and less meat, but I didn't buy it for that. I bought it to cut open squashes before cooking them-- I just don't have the strength for it. So tonight, is Maple Orzo Squash for Betty, Carolyn and me.

You don't need an oven to cook a squash-- cook it like a baked potato in the microwave. Prick the squash so the steam can escape, and after it's cooked (fork goes in easily) you can cut it open and scrape it. But I want to see if the taste and texure is really different in the oven, and I want the burned edges look and taste. So, for the oven, have to cut it in half and seed it before it gets cooked.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

taco salad

Last night, Carolyn made a taco salad for dinner. It was great! She made a vegan chili that was really good all by itself. Then served it on top of salad, chips, and veggie cheese. I think all four of us had seconds. It was a good way for me to eat more salad than I normally do. Sadly, I didn't think to get the recipie from her, but it's starting to be Spring now, so the chili season is almost over.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Gotta get serious

It is time to get serious about cutting meat and cheese out of our diets, at least 6 days out of the week!

Last week Betty was complaining about her big toe hurting her. She couldn't remember what she had done to it, but I suspected she dropped something on it. So I did all of the home care things I knew, and some others I looked up online-- soaked her foot in warm salt water, elevated it, used homeopathic remedy, got Dad's walker from the basement so she'd not have to put weight on it. Instead of getting better, she got worse.

So, on the second day (well, night, 1 am), called the advice nurse and because Betty's pain was severe, she told me to take her to the ER. I did that, and we were there till 4 am. The diagnosis was gout!

What my thin-air knowledge says is that means she's been eating too much meat. And, I'm partly right. The previous week Betty ate a lot of meat. Seems that as I try to cook more vegan foods, she reacts by eating more meat.

Well, I think the universe isn't only trying to tell Betty something, it's hitting her over the head with the message! She now has four things wrong with her body, all directly connected to food: gout, pre-diabetes, GERD (reflux disease), high cholesterol.

Good thing Betty likes my cooking! And good thing I've been cooking vegan food for years-- it's not entirely new to either of us. It's the focus that's new, and the elimination of other things we like that is hard.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Cheese woes

I've said it before, I love cheese!! And I've been rediscovering soy cheese. It used to be awful, but now it's very satisfying. It works in recipies, and grilled cheese sandwiches. And for cream cheese, I've been buying Tofuti Better than Cream Cheese and it's good. It's NOT the same, but it has the same creamy quality that satifies.

Betty loves it, but she doesn't seem to know it. It's an action speaks louder than words situation. The last time I bought the Tofuti cc, she said, "you know that's not cream cheese right? I prefer cream cheese!" But the next time I looked, both tubs were gone, and I hadn't had any.

Today, though, it's starting to snow and the store we went to isn't good for tofu products. I just had a grilled cheese with Real American Cheese. And it was wonderful. Been years since I even had American cheese, and bought it on a whim. Guess my taste buds are lagging behind the changes in my mental attitudes.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

New Year, still old habits

I can't believe it's been three months since I've posted anything! I've written into this blog so many times in my head! Trouble is, I think of things when I'm not near my computer, and when I get up I'm onto something else and forgot what I wanted to blog. Old habit, not blogging. New habit? Thinking of food when I'm near the computer?

It boils down to the same thing-- having the right access. Being near the computer when I think of food is access. Having vegan products in my fridge and pantry is access. Luckily, some things are becoming easier to find in my local supermarkets, so that's better access. Vegan cheese is the big one for me. I LOVE CHEESE. And I tried vegan cheeses years ago and hated them. So, time has passed, I read that they are better now, and they are. They melt better and come in different flavors now, so they make satisfying grilled cheese sandwiches.

The brand my local store carries is Veggie Slices from Galaxy Nutritional Foods. Right on the package it says, "Melts Great!" I have learned to cook it more slowly and cover the pan to help it melt. But the old ones burned the bread before the cheese would even begin to melt! So it's a big improvement.

So my old habit is still easy grilled cheese sandwiches, or cheese and crackers most days. My new habit is buying the vegan cheese, cuz if the other isn't in my fridge, it's not on my plate.